Jul 23Liked by Emmett Macfarlane

Just some context on the importance of using a child’s chosen name and gender: Chosen Name Use is Linked to Reduced Depressive Symptoms, Suicidal Ideation and Behavior among Transgender Youth

“ Transgender youth who were able to use their chosen name in multiple contexts reported fewer depressive symptoms and less suicidal ideation and behavior. For transgender youth who choose a name different than that given at birth, use of their chosen name in multiple contexts appears to affirm their gender identity and lower mental health risks known to be high in this group.”


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Thanks for the clear writing on this topic. The sports question seems more complex with people citing cases that do seem to put one groups rights ahead of another’s. I don’t say this is happening just that the same voices you cite here are making the claims and I’d love a clear analysis of the merits of their concerns or lack there of.

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