I love the way you simply and eloquently dismantle Mannings report. Your scathing analysis of the province’s mishandling of the pandemic only left out the failure to maintain public health funding and the lessons learned from SARS - 1


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No further proof needed for the conclusion that conservative politicians are hazardous to your health, literally.

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100 % agree, well put

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Thank you Emmett! I don't think Canadians and particularly Albertans realize what Neoliberalism or Libertarianism is and what the goals are. Basically freedom and ownership of land and property. No social services,no welfare, no Medicare, privatization of everything. That free market that, although practiced for 4 decades, has failed miserably. Increasing inequality, increasing drug use and homeless as well as mental health. What caused the 2008 financial crisis was removal of financial regulations and release that "free market"! What happened was greed and that almost destroyed the whole world

financial system. Since then Canadians have been subject to free market in housing which led to developers increasing profits, lack of government’s involvement in housing, and what have we got! A housing crisis!



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