Ford changed the rules so we can purchase and consume alcohol in variety stores.

There are variety stores on every corner, and they rely on school aged children and teenagers for their success.

I hope someone makes the argument that variety stores (and bars) are legal consumption sites for two products (alcohol and tobacco) that have no safe level of consumption, and they are prevalent in many neighbourhoods.

Lots of inconsistencies in Ford’s logic

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Who has authority to make public policy, the Courts or the Government. If the Courts rule a Charter violation, then the Government has the right to use the NWC. The voting public will decide whether the use of the NWC is appropriate.

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That's one view. Another is that democracies protect minority rights, even the rights of unpopular minorities, and bills of rights are designed to immunize such decisions from 'the passions of the majority'.

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For these sites ever to have been situation within a minute’s walk from a school or daycare must mean that the list of suitable sites is quite low. Hard to fathom the initial decision otherwise.

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